Monday, February 28, 2011

My answer for "what is 'watchdog' journalism"

So, as you guys may remember. There was a quiz a couple classes ago.
The question was:
             "What is 'watchdog' journalism, and what are some reasons why it has been declining?

I didn't do the reading. I thought about BSing my way through it like...oh...40 percent of you probably did. But instead of guessing i thought what the hell. Here is my answer, verbatim.

        Watchdog journalism is journalism about the breeding and raising of watchdogs. It follow's the lives and hardships of German Sheperds, bulldogs, and, the less popular, chiwawa.
       In recent years there has been a growing discontentment amoung the dogs as to how they are treated within the Journalistic community. Barky, a spokesdog for the RWDWD (Rot-Weiler Division of Watch Dogs), has been particularly harsh on the journalism community, to the point of biting 3 writers.
        Writers, now wary of the reaction of watchdogs, have been slowly but surely moving away from this type of reporting. This is why it is in Decline. 

Professor Adler gave me a 0/1. Perhaps it is his bias against the RWDWD that fueled his unjust rage, or perhaps it is his personal vandetta against the mispelling of the word 'Chiuaua.'  In either case I ask, where is the unbiased evaluation professor!? IS THERE SUCH THING AS OBJECTIVE GRADING!?


  1. I do have a vendetta against bad spelling, so there you go.

  2. Ugghh, blogspot is infinitely less cool than facebook because i can't "like" prof Adler's comment.
